- Instant Cloud Server Deployment
Killing Floor 2 Mod-EU | HOE #4 | RamPaGe Mod | Custom Weapons, Zeds and More | - Killing Floor 2 Server in Lithuania
Updated once every 24 hours
bAllowInvites True
bAllowJoinInProgress True
bAllowJoinViaPresence True
bAllowJoinViaPresenceFriendsOnly False
bAntiCheatProtected True
bAvailableForTakeover False
bCloudServer False
bCustom True
bInProgress False
bIsDedicated False
bIsLanMatch False
bMutators False
bNoSeasonalSkins False
BotPlayers 0
bRequiresPassword False
bServerExiled False
bShouldAdvertise True
bUsesArbitration False
bUsesPresence True
bUsesStats False
CurrentWave 1
dedicated 108
difficulty 3
gameState OGS_NoSession
game_description Killing Floor 2
game_directory kf2
mapname KF-BarrioMuerte_ModEUFix
MatchQuality 0.000000
MaxZedCount 100
Mode 0
NumOpenPrivateConnections 0
NumOpenPublicConnections 20
NumPrivateConnections 0
NumPublicConnections 20
NumSpectators 0
NumWaves 50
OS 119
OwningPlayerId 0
OwningPlayerName Mod-EU | HOE #4 | RamPaGe Mod | Custom Weapons, Zeds and More | 60 Tickrate
PingInMs 0
protocol_version 17
region USCentral
reply_format source
SecondsDeallocated 0
SecondsDeallocatedBucket 0
steamAppId 0
SteamEngineVersion 10897
SteamServerUID 90200776253547534
suggested_bot_count 0
suggested_players 0
version 1150
WeeklySelectorIndex -1
ZedCount 10