Admins, why are you beefing with me? I get constantly berated by more than one admin every time I play and for what? I am always nice and friendly. Tell me why, this is not fair.
This server is retarded with the most idiotic "rules" no running? No pistol? Not even friendly shit talking? Tf am I supposed to do when I'm being shot at just stand there and take it? And kicked for saying bs is bs. weak! Way to take a classic game and make it dog shit , to have admins power tripping when if you would just let people play the game normal you might actually have fun god forbid.
hello voodoo i made a mistake wit the donate i was forgotten to inloggen :(and because of that the money was going to Welcome to the am trying to get my money back so if i get it back i will donate it straight away.
Good afternoon, I was banned, I don't know why, I don't use cheats or anything like that, I don't need this, I would like to play with you again on this server, it's really cool, email me at if you need me to do anything thing to play again, thanks
This server is the only one currently running with any people on it. the restrictive gameplay is bogus its boring and the players are all a bunch of boring assholes who dont wanna do anything but sit there in one spot and pick off people the entire time with a semiauto and treat everyone whos trying to play a normal match in this game like were AND I QUOTE "trolls"
i got banned for TALKING thats how boring the people who play this are, get rid of your worthless bootlicking admins and find some fkn nicer ones who respect others who just wanna have a friendly game with some nostalgia instead of acting like a bunch of cucks from CSGO.