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Rank | Name | Score | Time Played |
1. | SUCO_DE_FRUTA | 211 | 5:59:41 |
2. | hoopppppppp | 200 | 5:57:11 |
3. | funk | 186 | 8:38:51 |
4. | nycolas.BR | 157 | 11:06:59 |
5. | m3ph!$70 | 133 | 8:38:51 |
6. | joWles$$sss | 123 | 8:38:51 |
7. | VosoLocoVO | 110 | 8:38:51 |
8. | MAKAKO LOKO | 105 | 8:38:51 |
9. | MR.LOCURA | 94 | 8:38:51 |
10. | ALEMA | 69 | 8:38:51 |
11. | trashh_emanuel' | 40 | 3:20:42 |
12. | PEGANUNCA013 | 35 | 19:17 |
13. | Bolsonaro Presidente | 12 | 6:06:45 |
14. | Bozo | 0 | 10:53:51 |
14. | The BiG | 0 | 8:38:51 |
14. | TT - GuiIi; DO PIX; | 0 | 11:06:59 |
14. | ~Silent | 0 | 8:38:51 |
14. | KORINNG4 | 0 | 8:38:51 |
14. | MeRCeNaRy | 0 | 5:57:11 |
14. | kimura | 0 | 5:57:11 |
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