- Instant Cloud Server Deployment
Game Rank
Server bots and ranking
Nov 24, 2015 9:01 AM
Joined: Apr 03, 2008
Posts: 12
I thought servers that had bots were deranked.

I remember years ago, my server was deranked because we had bots.

It is not fair for the other servers that have real players.

Is this still true today and if so, where do I report such servers that use bots to get ranked?
Nov 24, 2015 9:53 AM
Posts: 4192
Reporting Fake Servers / Players

It would be advisable to read the full instructions first, before reporting.

Other reference;
Request Server Reranking and Unbans

I am a community user. I do not reply to private message requests for support.
Hint: I do not accept (or reply to) personal requests for re-ranking or unbanning.
You must use the forums please.

Forum Guidelines | Reporting abuse | Guides & FAQs | General Help
Nov 24, 2015 12:08 PM
Joined: Apr 03, 2008
Posts: 12
Thank you sir. I read it. Could you please elaborate on what an undetected fake players / bots is?

We had bots in our server years ago and we were deranked by GameTracker.

We deleted our bots and got reranked.

This is why I am asking.
Last edited by: bonesthebiker Nov 24, 2015 2:03 PM
Nov 24, 2015 3:07 PM
Joined: Feb 16, 2014
Posts: 3
Bones your server should be deranked for having idle players sitting on your server for multiple hours and days with no activity what so ever.
I see what your trying to do with this post and its fine however the bots in our server are not logged via gametracker simple.

Best not bring up these kind of topics since your server is blatantly abusing the ranking system here on gametracker and when one of my team mentioned it on your servers blog you called him a cry baby and then suprise suprise you rename 2 idle players to ScarzCrybaby and ScarzCrybaby(2) ... Its funny really.

This is the your server at this moment ...

[Heret!c][BlueDay 37 20:20
2. BRIG 34 20:20
3. -[EVIL]-HAWKEYE 29 17:17
4. Manu[ARF] 28 23:16
5. Welling 25 21:48
6. -=[EV!L]=- BrOmo 18 38:21
7. Jake from state farm 7 11:17
8. -=[EV!L]=-Grumpy 4 32:20
9. indiana:']['@: 2 08:20
10. THEBAWSE! 0 26:19
10. COBRA 0 1:43:22
10. Not A Bot 0 6:22:26
10. -=[EV!L Rulz]=- 0 6:25:28
10. (* Tr Yub 0 42:52
10. -=[EV!L]=- BNE 0 2:40:20
10. -=[EV!L]=-Digge 0 12:24:08
10. Whaa Fkn' Whaa 0 6:14:59
10. mad shoter 0 8:45:04
10. LMFAO 0 6:12:00
10. CryBaby Scarz 0 6:29:59
10. -=[Ev!l]=-pigfreak 0 2:37:23
10. CryBaby Scarz(1) 0 6:20:57

9 players out of 22 in tge server playing.

Nov 24, 2015 4:09 PM
Joined: Jan 13, 2014
Posts: 3
I am CryBaby Scarz by the way, and having bots in our server has no effect on the rankings here because they are detected as bots and they have no pings, therefor they are not tallied into the rankings at all.

Now, if our bots had pings, WHICH THEY DO NOT, then it would be valid grounds to de-rank a server because they would be contributing to the ranking of our server.

Now having non-participating players in your server sitting in as spectator for hours, or even days just to get your server ranked up is an entirely different story. This should be grounds for de-ranking as GameTracker is taking those non-participating players and calculating the time they spend on the server into the ranking system, which is how you managed to climb up roughly 4 or 5 spots in a short period of time.
Nov 24, 2015 4:14 PM
Posts: 4192
bonesthebiker wrote:
Thank you sir. I read it. Could you please elaborate on what an undetected fake players / bots is?

The rules point to;
"1) More than 3 fake players / undetected bots. (excessive idlers can count too)"

I have always understood this to mean;

Bots that are not detected as bots by gametracker.

Players that are not playing for extended periods of time. That can include running multiple copies of the game and connecting to your server to increase player count, or having your 'regulars' intentionally stay connected for extended periods of time when not playing to increase your rank.

For the record; I am not an admin, simply advising based upon common sense and from seeing other's reports and posts/replies on the subject.

From what I have seen/read; they are pretty good at spotting servers breaking the rules, and they don't show any mercy.
The ban appears to just happen without a warning, though a reason is provided to the server owner at the time.

I am a community user. I do not reply to private message requests for support.
Hint: I do not accept (or reply to) personal requests for re-ranking or unbanning.
You must use the forums please.

Forum Guidelines | Reporting abuse | Guides & FAQs | General Help
Nov 25, 2015 8:38 AM
Joined: Apr 03, 2008
Posts: 12
Okay, my mistake. I will have all players who don't play for more than 24 hours remove themselves.
Nov 26, 2015 1:45 PM
Joined: Apr 03, 2008
Posts: 12
Scarz, I sent you a message on my site.