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Why do i get rejected with a perfectly fine map image thats follow the rules?
Jun 13, 2019 3:58 PM
Joined: Sep 20, 2008
Posts: 7
This is the second time i get rejected with a perfectly fine image.

Last time i got rejected it had no reason why, i used THE SAME image again and it got approved. So my question is, why do i get rejected?

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Jun 11, 2019
Jun 17, 2019 4:15 PM
Joined: Jun 06, 2015
Posts: 1364
Note, that, if you're uploading a map image over an existing one, it has to be an improvement.

Cited from a previous administrator and not actually from me.

Second point (2).
Jun 18, 2019 10:36 AM
Joined: Mar 09, 2019
Posts: 2
I'm also having the same problems uploading images for workshop maps. Apparently they are not being approved correctly, they can see the current image on the map awp_lego_2
Jun 18, 2019 11:39 AM
Joined: Sep 20, 2008
Posts: 7
hereresl wrote:
I'm also having the same problems uploading images for workshop maps. Apparently they are not being approved correctly, they can see the current image on the map awp_lego_2
robin3sk wrote:
Note, that, if you're uploading a map image over an existing one, it has to be an improvement.

Cited from a previous administrator and not actually from me.

Second point (2).

The map in question does not have an image and havent had one ever(?) Now ive had rejected images before but then it has been a reason typed after here now its been nothing.

hereresl wrote:
I'm also having the same problems uploading images for workshop maps. Apparently they are not being approved correctly, they can see the current image on the map awp_lego_2

Its nice to see that images like this goes trough yet a image that displays the map gets rejected. Sometimes i wonder why i bother trying to help this site and community
Jun 20, 2019 10:38 AM
Joined: Mar 09, 2019
Posts: 2
The images that I uploaded the other day have been rejected again. Here is an example:


P.S. The map does not have any images currently
Last edited by: hereresl Jun 20, 2019 10:50 AM
Jun 20, 2019 12:05 PM
Joined: Sep 20, 2008
Posts: 7
I tried to upload a 3rd image for the same map called aio_westwood_city, when i went to see if it got rejected or not i found this

This is not the map i posted a picture for, INFACT i am the person who has uploaded a picture for the map shown in the image wich is awp_natural, it still works, its still the image i uploaded. So i want an answer from an admin on this site on WHY or WHO is rejecting me and for what reason.

Ive been uploading map images since 2008. Never had any problems, untill now when a map image can be black with GG on it and it gets approved, people who try to help out gets rejected. Doubt i will ever get an answer to why.
Jul 01, 2019 11:58 PM
Joined: Jan 19, 2017
Posts: 3
This has become a problem recently for myself and seems to not be specific to CSGO. There is a topic about it in the General Help forum that someone else with the same issue started but there has been no real response. I've never had issues uploading map images for CS 1.6 and suddenly they are being rejected. I've always made sure they were of decent quality, not branded, representative of the map, etc but now none of them go through.
Aug 07, 2019 8:13 AM
Joined: Sep 20, 2008
Posts: 7
The mods on this site is a fucking joke.

They decline people who actually tries to help, and approves random shit that has nothing to do with the map or the game.

GJ retards
Aug 07, 2019 9:10 AM
Joined: May 10, 2011
Posts: 256
granis wrote:
The mods on this site is a fucking joke.

They decline people who actually tries to help, and approves random shit that has nothing to do with the map or the game.

GJ retards

Little extreme calling gametracker admins retards
Aug 07, 2019 10:18 AM
Joined: Sep 20, 2008
Posts: 7
cronambs wrote:
granis wrote:
The mods on this site is a fucking joke.

They decline people who actually tries to help, and approves random shit that has nothing to do with the map or the game.

GJ retards

Little extreme calling gametracker admins retards

I dont think so. Since they cant do their job correctly.

This is the 2nd trash image for dust2 that ive seen in less then 36hours

And this is my tries to upload REAL map images

So i dont think im extreme at all, its pretty clear they dont give a shit

EDIT: 3rd shit image that gets approved:
Last edited by: granis Aug 07, 2019 3:38 PM