Once again our Development Team has responded to your call for action. Based on your assistance by offering suggestions and constructive criticisms, the America's Army team has added dozens of improvements and tweaks to America's Army 3.
This release will feature a myriad of gameplay, UI, weapon fixes and more, all designed to greatly improve performance and your gaming experience. Plus, we've heard rumors about some undocumented changes, but we'll let our Developers tell you all about that, s... [read more]
Updates to American's Army 3 have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include:
New Features
• Updated to TeamSpeak 3 VOIP API with improved quality and performance.
• New variation of Bridge (Bridge Day Foggy). Missions include Classic, Carriable Objective, and Activated Objectives.
• AA3 One Year Anniversary Achievement – This medal will be awarded by logging into the game during the AA3 Anniversary event... [read more]
Updates to America's Army 3 have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The specific changes include:
Corrected error that sometimes resulted in hangs when starting training missions
Fixes single player sprint/dive failing to bring back weapon after grenade toss
Adds a "valid hit" audio prompt to AIT Advanced Rifleman to make it easier to understand when the player is doing it correctly
Adjusts the "valid hit" text prompt in AIT Ad... [read more]
Updates to America's Army 3 have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The specific changes include:
America's Army 3
More messaging when unable to connect to server for particular circumstances like full servers, etc
More enhancements to PunkBuster implementation
Adds in switching viewpoints during pb validation and adds in messaging to let player know something is happening
Streamlined the server connect
Adjusted the ftmp cleanup logic s... [read more]
Updates to America's Army 3 have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The specific changes include:
America's Army 3
Improved console help
Added Clan support. Add clan tag in Account Settings. You must change information while in single player mode for now.
Admin VOIP Improvements
New "version" console command to see the current version
Server browser performance improvements
Fixes joining password protected servers so it no longer select... [read more]
The GameTracker.com team has added support for America's Army 3. We now offer banners and historical stats for this game! Check out https://www.gametracker.com/search/aa3/
Updates to America's Army 3 have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The specific changes include:
America's Army 3
Removes Password from AA3Launch.log
Fix for MBS not working after server changes to a new map
Fixes TeamReady in Mission Preplanning
Updated authentication SDK to improve reliability and performance
Fix for freezing on training mission load
Improved performance on loading maps/training missions
Fixed several small memory l... [read more]
Updates to America's Army 3 have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The specific changes include:
America's Army 3
Removed apparent lag caused by other players entering or leaving a server
Improved start of round spawn issues
Resolved problem with training results not saving
Improved communication with Authentication server
Eliminated freezing up when moving from one training mission to another
Cleared up hesitation during training miss... [read more]