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Forum Home > General Discussion > The =WKV= joining rules by =WKV= Blackwatch
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The =WKV= joining rules by =WKV= Blackwatch
Jun 27, 2012 8:07 AM
So you are thinking of joining the Warrior knights ( =WKV= Warrior knights of valour ) well there are a few things we would

like to tell you.

About the =WKV=

The WKV is a newly Re-formed community created by a small group of dedicated game players, our mission to setup and run

the best gaming community, based upon friendship, common goals and mature gameplay.

The knights look for potential members in the age bracket of 30+ (but do consider younger prospective members from 21+ ).

We require you to follow the rules, stay and play as a team, but most of all while your here the number one rule is to have fun

and enjoy yourself.

Once registered into the public forums, we recommend that all players read the forum rules section

One Name means one name, Teamspeak/ Forum & game name, the =WKV= is not to be placed on your name until you are

tagged, and that will be done by an Admin only (marked by SA in TeamSpeak).

To this end the Knights assess all applications which are placed in the "Joining the Warrior-Knights section."

When joining the Knights you are joining a Community, well in fact no your joining of a family, not just a game or any other

clan. We have moved towards a tightknit community, where all members help out in some way, be it admining the servers,

making missions or maps for games, helping run the forums or even one way in which all members can help, is financially.

The WKV requests all members to contribute to the cost of keeping the lights on. People contribute because they want to, not

because they feel pressured. We are not a charity, monthly fees are paid for the game servers, TeamSpeak, and webhosting.

You are welcome money or not, however, all donations are non-refundable. You will NEVER be forced to donate in anyway,

but if you wish, simply ask an admin to find out how.

Since the forums are one of our primary vehicles of communication all of the Knights members are expected to sign into the

forums at least once a month, if you do not your forum account will be de-activated.

The Warrior-Knights expect all members to conduct themselves in a mature and adult manner. If all you care about is your kill

rates, you don't belong in the here. Our focus is on tactical game play, where helping your team achieve its objective is more

important than individual scores.

We are a community of like minded individuals, our objective is for you to feel at home whatever game you are playing. This

is the principal reason for assessing potential members. Disruptive influences and constant poor sportmanship will not be

tolerated, ensuring a quality gaming community for all =WKV= members. We will NOT tolerate any form of cyber bullying

and persistnat offenders will be dealt with harshly. After all this is only a game and we are all adults.

A wealth of knowledge exists in our community in areas such as, 3DGraphics, Game mods, Custom mapping, Hardware

technical knowledge, common interests (such as military technology, programming etc), Graphics Design, Web Design.

We offer High quality gaming servers, professional teamspeak server, dedicated specialist admins. Our servers are based in

London, UK with 24hr technical support, we use separate servers for teamspeak and web access. We will be adding new

games as they come out.